Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 10th Richard Brealey © 2020 Test Bank
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
10th Edition By Richard Brealey and Stewart Myers and Alan Marcus © 2020 Test Bank and Solution Manual

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 10th Edition By Richard Brealey and Stewart Myers and Alan Marcus © 2020 Test Bank and Solution Manual
Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Product details
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition (May 6, 2019)
- ISBN10: 1260013960
- ISBN13: 9781260013962
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
10th Edition
ISBN10: 1260013960
ISBN13: 9781260013962
Copyright: 2020
- Fundamentals is an introduction to corporate finance, focusing on how companies invest in real assets, raise the money to pay for the investments, and how those assets affect the value of the firm.
- Includes coverage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017 in both the text and Connect.
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About the Author
Richard Brealey
Richard A. Brealey is a Professor of Finance at the London Business School. He is the former president of the European Finance Association and a former director of the American Finance Association. He is a fellow of the British Academy and has served as a special adviser to the Governor of the Bank of England and as director of a number of financial institutions. Professor Brealey is also the author (with Professor Myers) of this book’s sister text, Principles of Corporate Finance.
Stewart Myers
Stewart C. Myers is the Gordon Y Billard Professor of Finance at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He is past president of the American Finance Association and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. His research has focused on financing decisions, valuation methods, the cost of capital, and financial aspects of government regulation of business. Dr. Myers is a director of The Brattle Group, Inc., and is active as a financial consultant. He is also the author (with Professor Brealey) of this book’s sister text, Principles of Corporate Finance.
Alan Marcus
Alan J. Marcus is a Professor of Finance in the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. His main research interests are in derivatives and securities markets. He is co-author (with Zvi Bodie and Alex Kane) of the texts Investments and Essentials of Investments. Professor Marcus has served as a research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Marcus also spent two years at Freddie Mac, where he helped to develop mortgage pricing and credit risk models. He currently serves on the Research Foundation Advisory Board of the CFA Institute.
1. Goals and Governance of the Corporation
2. Financial Markets and Institutions
3. Accounting and Finance
4. Measuring Corporate PerformancePart Two: Value
5. The Time Value of Money
6. Valuing Bonds
7. Valuing Stocks
8. Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria
9. Using Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis to Make Investment Decisions
10. Project AnalysisPart Three: Risk
11. Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Opportunity Cost of Capital
12. Risk, Return, and Capital Budgeting
13. The Weighted-Average Cost of Capital and Company Valuation
Part Four: Financing
14. Introduction to Corporate Financing
15. How Corporations Raise Venture Capital and Issue Securities
Part Five: Debt and Payout Policy
16. Debt Policy
17. Payout Policy
Part Six: Financial Analysis and Planning
18. Long-Term Financial Planning
19. Short-Term Financial Planning
20. Working Capital Management
Part Seven: Special Topics
21. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Control
22. International Financial Management
23. Options
24. Risk Management
Part Eight: Conclusion
25. What We Do and Do Not Know about Finance
Appendix: Present Value and Future Value Tables
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